Are you doubting that the slow and steady, step by step, Madcap Route for making dietary changes is enough to truly mitigate your narcolepsy symptoms?

Check out this message I received yesterday from a follower:

“Your slow start was instrumental in my success. No cravings, no stress, it made the process very painless!!”

Come on!  Take a leap of faith, step onto the path, and follow the Madcap Route that I’ve laid out for you.  You don’t have to go fast, you just have to GO!

Your Madcap Miss (a.k.a. Gina Dennis)

*For a deeper dive into the science behind the Madcap Diet for Narcolepsy, check out my 2016 presentation at the Narcolepsy Network Conference (video) OR read Posts 1, 2, and 3 in the 30,000 Foot View Science-y Series.
**For an overview of all the steps in the Diet for Narcolepsy you can check out my presentation at the 2017 Narcolepsy Network Conference.


Let me be totally up front here…I AM NOT A DOCTOR, nor am I a nutritionist, I only have a tiny amount of formal training in such things as a Health Coach.  But I am a person with narcolepsy who uses dietary and lifestyle changes to mitigate my narcolepsy symptoms.  I’ve been experimenting with these changes since July 2011 and have successfully maintained a high level of narcolepsy symptom management since that date.  So has my family with narcolepsy.   This website contains our personal stories, failures, and experiments.  In this website I will share with you the information that I have found most credible and some practical ideas for mitigating narcolepsy symptoms.  I beg you to check with your doctor before initiating any of the dietary changes I speak of, especially if you are taking any medications.

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