I hope you have been enjoying this series and have already taken the first step and added MCT oil to your routine (Step 1, Guide to Step 1, and taking MCT oil to the MAX). I would love to hear from you and see how you are doing so please feel free to email me at madcapnarcolepsy@gmail.com or comment on the posts. (If you are new to this series please check out the very first post here otherwise you are going to be so, so lost in this post, eek!)
If you have integrated MCT oil into your routine it’s now time to get down to the nitty gritty of the big changes to your diet so put on your seatbelt and get ready for the ride!
If you will recall from the introduction to this diet, I am taking you down a path toward carbohydrate reduction because our orexin/hypocretin is extremely sensitive to carbs (see part 1 and 2 on the Science-y tab if you need background on this). But I’m NOT taking you down the path to the full on ketogenic diet. This is because 1) the ketogenic diet is a hard diet to wrap your head around and right now you may be just too sleepy to do it, and 2) MOST of the folks I work with don’t have to go that drastic to get some really great symptom management.
In this post I’m going to detail to you the route I take with my clients to get carbohydrate intake reduced. The Madcap Route. My family and I have succeeded and failed at diet for narcolepsy for about 7 years now. We are fully aware of how difficult dieting is. BUT we have spent the last 7 years making it narcolepsy friendly. We put in this effort because, darn it, the diet works and is worth doing. In order to stay on the diet and reap its benefits we HAD to find a way to make it sustainable and EASY… narcolepsy easy. By this I mean that each step of this diet has been broken down into bits that are easy to understand, easy to integrate, and easy to build on. We have cut corners everywhere possible so that we get the core benefit without the extreme focus and exhausting effort. I call this the Madcap Route.
“Madcap?” Wha-huh? Check it…
My nickname has been Madcap Miss since before I can remember. It’s because I’m always coming at things in zany, eccentric, and unconventional ways. ALWAYS. I’m no different in my approach to diet changes. If going from A to Z won’t work for me who says I can’t go from B to X to O to A, etc., etc.? If it works, why not?! So that is exactly what I did with the ketogenic diet. I flipped it on its ear and broke it down into the steps that would impact people with narcolepsy the most without having to make the sweeping changes the full on ketogenic diet requires.
So what’s the plan on the Madcap Route? What’s the B to X to O to A, etc., etc. route to getting more wakefulness, energy, and mental clarity? Right off the bat we talked about getting you thinking more clearly and getting you a tad more energy via the MCT’s. And though that is a great first step, it is not enough. Now you knew that at some point you would need to actually make some dietary changes, right? It’s a hard fact that what we eat affects our symptoms. But change, especially sweeping change, is hard. That’s why the Madcap Route is a process eases you into making changes without all the heartache of yanking all of your favorite foods from your menu all at once.
The heart of the Madcap Route is the 3 R’s:

REPLACE REDUCE REMOVEREPLACE – In this step I educate you on which foods are good and which foods are bad. Then I teach you how to find yummy REPLACEments for the “bad” ones. In this stage, you can still eat the bad versions but you will eventually find a REPLACEment for all of them. REDUCE – Once you have found some yummy REPLACEments, you can begin to REDUCE your intake of the bad versions and instead eat the yummy, good versions. The good news is that when you have been finding REPLACEments you are naturally nudging the bad versions off your plate and have already begun this step before actually having to enforce it. REMOVE – Here is where you buck up and get rid of the bad versions altogether. Buck up Buttercup! But see, there’s a secret here… you have already REDUCED your consumption of these so it is WAY WAY WAY easier to take this final step where you REMOVE them. Each step of the 3R’s will get you higher levels of energy and wakefulness, and less brain fog throughout the day. But if we applied the 3R’s to everything you eat all at once that is still too much change so… we break it down even further into food groups that work well together when making changes. You will apply the 3R’s to each food group and won’t move on to the next one till you are a master in the current group. By the time you get to the last food group you will be a mega pro at this and it will be super easy. The groups are broken down as follows:
- Protein and Dairy
- Veggies and Fruit
- Beverages and Alcohol
- Snacks and Desserts
- Corn and Potatoes
- Misc. Grains, Rice, and Beans
- Breads and Pasta
- Each time you eat a protein or dairy item this week I want you to look on the package for the carbohydrate amount. If it is more than 5g of carbohydrates per serving it is a HIGH carb item that you will need to eventually remove from your diet. Another way to look at the carb count is via tracker like MyFitnessPal. This is an app and is also available as a website so you can check out the carbs anywhere you happen to be. Don’t get caught going down the rabbit hole and think you have to be super exact in this tracker. Just find something similar in the search function and check it out. TRACKING is NOT something we do in this diet because it is tedious and will consume energy that I want you to put toward LIVING. This is just a starter to help you see what and where carbs are in your current diet.
- When you see that the item needs to eventually be removed, go to Google and search “Keto <insert protein/dairy item here> and see what pops up as a REPLACEMENT for what you are eating. This is just to get you seeing what your future options are and that you will not have to forgo eating yummy foods. I swear that there is a keto/carb friendly replacement for practically everything you currently eat.
- When you eat your carb-y protein or dairy item, set a timer for 30 mins. When the timer goes off, make a note of how you feel. Rate your sleepiness from 1-10 with 10 being the worst/sleepiest.
Amazing process! My little sister is 13 and has all the signs and symptoms of narcolepsy. I can’t wait to introduce her to your method because I have had no idea how to boil it down for someone so young!
Hey stranger! Nice to hear from you again. I’ve really been enjoying your blog (http://travelingnarcoleptic.com/). It makes me want to come travel with you!
Girl, I hate hearing that your sister is showing symptoms of narcolepsy. 🙁 I would start her on MCT oil but with a slower build-up schedule. Something like this:
• ½ teaspoon total a day for 4 days
• 1 teaspoon total a day for 4 days
• 1 teaspoon in the morning and ½ teaspoon in the afternoon for 4 days
• 1 teaspoon twice a day for 4 days
• 2 teaspoons in the AM and 1 teaspoon in the PM for 4 days
• 2 teaspoons in the AM and 2 teaspoons in the PM for 4 days
• 3 teaspoons (equals 1 tablespoon) in the AM and 2 teaspoons in the PM for 4 days
• 3 teaspoons (equals 1 tablespoon) in the AM and 3 teaspoons (equals 1 tablespoon) in the PM for 4 days
• Your goal is to have 2 tablespoons a day, preferably one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
This is a very cautious step up plan as she is a youth. As long as you don’t see any digestive upset you can progress through the steps as you see them. If digestive upset occurs, step back a step for a week, then move forward again with 1 week intervals instead of 4 days.
Keep me posted!