Madcap Diet Basics
Set yourself up for success by learning the Madcap Diet Basics
Here in the Madcap Diet Basics series I’ll walk you through some very basic shifts in your eating that can get you some BIG gains. Gains like greater mental clarity, less daytime sleepiness, and a leveling out of your energy levels. With these basics under your belt you can then leverage your new skills as you move through your journey OUT of narcolepsy and INTO life.

Narcolepsy Network Conference 2017: Madcap Diet for Narcolepsy – A Beginner’s Roadmap
In October 2017 I had the honor of presenting The Madcap Diet for Narcolepsy - A Beginner's Roadmap at the Narcolepsy Network Conference in Portland, Oregon. If you are curious about how diet can help mitigate narcolepsy symptoms and you wonder how you can make...

How Far Will YOU Go?
Many of you have heard me tell my story either here on this site or in the video from my presentation at last year's Narcolepsy Network conference. Intertwined in my story is the story of my son, Glenn. He, too, has narcolepsy. A few years ago he wrote a little...

What is our Destination?
Are you ready to begin your journey OUT of narcolepsy and INTO life but don’t know where to start? Are you tired of hearing me talk about science-y stuff and that my family and I use diet to mitigate our symptoms? Want me to just lay it out for you so you know what...